Project 3


The role of epithelial somatic mutations in endometriosis recurrence

Recently, areas of endometriosis were shown to have somatic mutations (these are small changes in the building blocks of body cells that increase the cell’s survival, growth and 'stickiness') which contribute to the formation of endometriosis.

However, we do not know what role these changes play in the severity of endometriosis or the risk of endometriosis returning after surgery.

In an attempt to answer these questions and develop predictive tools for endometriosis recurrence, this project will involve the use of tests on cells isolated from our archived endometriosis lesions that are housed in our Royal Women’s Hospital Biobank. This Biobank currently holds over 900 patient samples collected during laparoscopic surgery and is a valuable resource for improving our understanding of endometriosis.

Over the next five years, we will be asking participants from our projects to contribute to this Biobank through the donation of endometriosis tissue and other samples removed at time of surgery. Sample collections are made at the discretion of the surgeon in line with patient safety. By contributing to the Biobank, we can continue to improve our understanding of endometriosis even more and you will be ensuring the future of endometriosis research to find the answers urgently needed to stop endometriosis in its tracks.

Are you eligible to participate in this project?

Depending on your enrolment in other projects in this study group, you may be eligible.

What happens if I participate in this project?

During your laparoscopic surgery, extra small samples will be taken for this research. There will be no other change to your treatment and there will be no extra visits required.

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