Prof Peter Rogers
Peter Rogers is the Professor of Women’s Health Research, University of Melbourne Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the Director of Research at the Royal Women’s Hospital, Australia’s largest specialist Women’s Hospital. His research interests are focussed on female reproductive biology and include endometriosis, heavy menstrual bleeding, uterine fibroids, pelvic pain, implantation and uterine receptivity. He currently leads a program of 20 clinical and basic scientists funded through the Australian Medical Research Future Fund working to improve diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis. Over the past 35 years he has published over 290 scientific articles and successfully supervised more than 50 postgraduate research students. He is currently a member of the Australian Federal Endometriosis Advisory Group for the National Action Plan for Endometriosis.
McNamara Helen C., Frawley Helena C., Donoghue Jacqueline F., Readman Emma, Healey Martin, Ellett Lenore, Reddington Charlotte, Hicks Lauren J., Harlow Keryn, Rogers Peter A. W., Cheng Claudia, “Peripheral, Central, and Cross Sensitization in Endometriosis-Associated Pain and Comorbid Pain Syndromes” Frontiers in Reproductive Health 2021, volume 3, page 56, DOI=10.3389/frph.2021.729642
Obstetric Outcome After Surgical Treatment of Endometriosis: A Review of the Literature. Samantha S. Mooney, Vanessa Ross, Catharyn Stern, Peter A. W. Rogers and Martin Healey. Front. Reprod. Health, 24 December 2021 |
Kho, P.F., S. Mortlock, C. Endometrial Cancer Association, C. International Endometriosis Genetics, P.A.W. Rogers, D.R. Nyholt, G.W. Montgomery, A.B. Spurdle, D.M. Glubb, and T.A. O'Mara, Genetic analyses of gynecological disease identify genetic relationships between uterine fibroids and endometrial cancer, and a novel endometrial cancer genetic risk region at the WNT4 1p36.12 locus. Hum Genet, 2021. 140(9): p. 1353-1365.
Marla, S., S. Mortlock, S. Houshdaran, J. Fung, B. McKinnon, S.J. Holdsworth-Carson, J.E. Girling, P.A.W. Rogers, L.C. Giudice, and G.W. Montgomery, Genetic risk factors for endometriosis near estrogen receptor 1 and coexpression of genes in this region in endometrium. Mol Hum Reprod, 2021. 27(1).
Holdsworth-Carson, S.J., M. Churchill, J.F. Donoghue, S. Mortlock, J.N. Fung, C. Sloggett, J. Chung, L. Cann, W.T. Teh, K.R. Campbell, R. Luwor, M. Healey, G. Montgomery, J.E. Girling, and P.A.W. Rogers, Elucidating the role of long intergenic non-coding RNA 339 in human endometrium and endometriosis. Mol Hum Reprod, 2021. 27(3).
Helen C. McNamara*, Helena C. Frawley, Jacqueline F. Donoghue, Emma Readman, Martin Healey, Lenore Ellett, Charlotte Reddington, Lauren J. Hicks, Keryn Harlow, Peter A. W. Rogers and Claudia Cheng on behalf of En-DIT (Endometriosis: Diagnosis, Innovation and Treatment) Research Group, "Peripheral, Central, and Cross Sensitization in Endometriosis-Associated Pain and Comorbid Pain Syndromes", Front. Reprod. Health, 01 September 2021,
Rowlands, I.J., J.A. Abbott, G.W. Montgomery, R. Hockey, P. Rogers, and G.D. Mishra, Prevalence and incidence of endometriosis in Australian women: a data linkage cohort study. BJOG, 2021. 128(4): p. 657-665.
Colgrave, E.M., S. Bittinger, M. Healey, U.P. Dior, P.A.W. Rogers, J.R. Keast, J.E. Girling, and S.J. Holdsworth-Carson, Reply: The heterogeneity of endometriotic lesions could be explained by their progesterone resistance. Hum Reprod, 2021.
Holdsworth-Carson, S.J., J. Chung, C. Sloggett, S. Mortlock, J.N. Fung, G.W. Montgomery, U.P. Dior, M. Healey, P.A. Rogers, and J.E. Girling, Obesity does not alter endometrial gene expression in women with endometriosis. Reprod Biomed Online, 2020. 41(1): p. 113-118.
Colgrave, E.M., S. Bittinger, M. Healey, U.P. Dior, P.A.W. Rogers, J.R. Keast, J.E. Girling, and S.J. Holdsworth-Carson, Superficial peritoneal endometriotic lesions are histologically diverse and rarely demonstrate menstrual cycle synchronicity with matched eutopic endometrium. Hum Reprod, 2020. 35(12): p. 2701-2714.
Mortlock, S., R.I. Kendarsari, J.N. Fung, G. Gibson, F. Yang, R. Restuadi, J.E. Girling, S.J. Holdsworth-Carson, W.T. Teh, S.W. Lukowski, M. Healey, T. Qi, P.A.W. Rogers, J. Yang, B. McKinnon, and G.W. Montgomery, Tissue specific regulation of transcription in endometrium and association with disease. Hum Reprod, 2020. 35(2): p. 377-393.
Holdsworth-Carson, S.J., E.M. Colgrave, J.F. Donoghue, J.N. Fung, M.L. Churchill, S. Mortlock, P. Paiva, M. Healey, G.W. Montgomery, J.E. Girling, and P.A.W. Rogers, Generation of immortalized human endometrial stromal cell lines with different endometriosis risk genotypes. Mol Hum Reprod, 2019. 25(4): p. 194-205.
Mortlock, S., R. Restuadi, R. Levien, J.E. Girling, S.J. Holdsworth-Carson, M. Healey, Z. Zhu, T. Qi, Y. Wu, S.W. Lukowski, P.A.W. Rogers, J. Yang, A.F. McRae, J.N. Fung, and G.W. Montgomery, Genetic regulation of methylation in human endometrium and blood and gene targets for reproductive diseases. Clin Epigenetics, 2019. 11(1): p. 49.
Dior, U.P., D. Nisbet, J.N. Fung, G. Foster, M. Healey, G.W. Montgomery, P.A.W. Rogers, S.J. Holdsworth-Carson, and J.E. Girling, The Association of Sonographic Evidence of Adenomyosis with Severe Endometriosis and Gene Expression in Eutopic Endometrium. J Minim Invasive Gynecol, 2019. 26(5): p. 941-948.
Fung, J.N., S. Mortlock, J.E. Girling, S.J. Holdsworth-Carson, W.T. Teh, Z. Zhu, S.W. Lukowski, B.D. McKinnon, A. McRae, J. Yang, M. Healey, J.E. Powell, P.A.W. Rogers, and G.W. Montgomery, Genetic regulation of disease risk and endometrial gene expression highlights potential target genes for endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome. Sci Rep, 2018. 8(1): p. 11424.
Rogers, P.A., G.D. Adamson, M. Al-Jefout, C.M. Becker, T.M. D'Hooghe, G.A. Dunselman, A. Fazleabas, L.C. Giudice, A.W. Horne, M.L. Hull, L. Hummelshoj, S.A. Missmer, G.W. Montgomery, P. Stratton, R.N. Taylor, L. Rombauts, P.T. Saunders, K. Vincent, K.T. Zondervan, and W.W.C.f.R.P.i. Endometriosis, Research Priorities for Endometriosis. Reprod Sci, 2017. 24(2): p. 202-226.
Fung, J.N., J.E. Girling, S.W. Lukowski, Y. Sapkota, L. Wallace, S.J. Holdsworth-Carson, A.K. Henders, M. Healey, P.A.W. Rogers, J.E. Powell, and G.W. Montgomery, The genetic regulation of transcription in human endometrial tissue. Hum Reprod, 2017. 32(4): p. 893-904.
Holdsworth-Carson, S.J., J.N. Fung, H.T. Luong, Y. Sapkota, L.M. Bowdler, L. Wallace, W.T. Teh, J.E. Powell, J.E. Girling, M. Healey, G.W. Montgomery, and P.A. Rogers, Endometrial vezatin and its association with endometriosis risk. Hum Reprod, 2016. 31(5): p. 999-1013.
Powell, J.E., J.N. Fung, K. Shakhbazov, Y. Sapkota, N. Cloonan, G. Hemani, K.M. Hillman, S. Kaufmann, H.T. Luong, L. Bowdler, J.N. Painter, S.J. Holdsworth-Carson, P.M. Visscher, M.E. Dinger, M. Healey, D.R. Nyholt, J.D. French, S.L. Edwards, P.A. Rogers, and G.W. Montgomery, Endometriosis risk alleles at 1p36.12 act through inverse regulation of CDC42 and LINC00339. Hum Mol Genet, 2016. 25(22): p. 5046-5058.
Paiva, P., M.G. Lockhart, J.E. Girling, M. Olshansky, N. Woodrow, J.L. Marino, M. Hickey, and P.A. Rogers, Identification of genes differentially expressed in menstrual breakdown and repair. Mol Hum Reprod, 2016. 22(12): p. 898-912.
Fung, J.N., S.J. Holdsworth-Carson, Y. Sapkota, Z.Z. Zhao, L. Jones, J.E. Girling, P. Paiva, M. Healey, D.R. Nyholt, P.A. Rogers, and G.W. Montgomery, Functional evaluation of genetic variants associated with endometriosis near GREB1. Hum Reprod, 2015. 30(5): p. 1263-75.
Fung, J.N., P.A. Rogers, and G.W. Montgomery, Identifying the biological basis of GWAS hits for endometriosis. Biol Reprod, 2015. 92(4): p. 87.
Lulu Fu, Michelle G. Lockhart, Michal M. Amir, Wendy R. Winnall, Peter A.W. Rogers, Jane E. Girling. Differential Expression of TGFB1 Signalling Molecules in Eutopic versus Ectopic Endometrium from Women with Endometriosis. Journal of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Disorders. 2013, 13-76
Rogers, P.A., T.M. D'Hooghe, A. Fazleabas, L.C. Giudice, G.W. Montgomery, F. Petraglia, and R.N. Taylor, Defining future directions for endometriosis research: workshop report from the 2011 World Congress of Endometriosis In Montpellier, France. Reprod Sci, 2013. 20(5): p. 483-99.
Rogers, P.A., J.F. Donoghue, L.M. Walter, and J.E. Girling, Endometrial angiogenesis, vascular maturation, and lymphangiogenesis. Reprod Sci, 2009. 16(2): p. 147-51.
Rogers, P.A., T.M. D'Hooghe, A. Fazleabas, C.E. Gargett, L.C. Giudice, G.W. Montgomery, L. Rombauts, L.A. Salamonsen, and K.T. Zondervan, Priorities for endometriosis research: recommendations from an international consensus workshop. Reprod Sci, 2009. 16(4): p.335-46.
Fu, L., J.E. Girling, and P.A. Rogers, Expression of Fox head protein 1 in human eutopic endometrium and endometriosis. Reprod Sci, 2008. 15(3): p. 243-52.
Girling, J.E. and P.A. Rogers, Recent advances in endometrial angiogenesis research. Angiogenesis, 2005. 8(2): p. 89-99
Hii, L.L. and P.A. Rogers, Endometrial vascular and glandular expression of integrin alpha(v)beta3 in women with and without endometriosis. Hum Reprod, 1998. 13(4): p. 1030-5.
Healy, D.L., P.A. Rogers, L. Hii, and M. Wingfield, Angiogenesis: a new theory for endometriosis. Hum Reprod Update, 1998. 4(5): p. 736-40.
Wingfield, M., A. Macpherson, D.L. Healy, and P.A. Rogers, Cell proliferation is increased in the endometrium of women with endometriosis. Fertil Steril, 1995. 64(2): p. 340-6.